We provide a full range of hearing services to for pensioners, veterans, senior card holders, concession card holders and private clients

  • Hearing Test
  • Pensioners & Veterans
  • Ear Wax (Cerumen) Removal
  • Custom Made Ear Plugs
  • Tinnitus Management
  • Hearing Aid Trial
  • Hearing Aid Repair & Maintenance
  • Workcover Services
  • Workplace Audiology

Hearing Test

Hearing is a complex process and to assess it comprehensively, our audiologist uses an array of tests to diagnose any possible hearing problems. These tests are:Hearing is a complex process and to assess it comprehensively, our audiologist uses an array of tests to diagnose any possible hearing problems.

These tests are:

  • Otoscopy
  • Pure Tone Audiometry
  • Speech Audiometry
  • Tympanometry

You do not need a medical referral for a hearing assessment.

Pensioners and Veterans

AudioHearing Melbourne offers a FREE full range of hearing services to eligible pensioners and veterans/DVA cardholders as part of the Commonwealth Hearing Services Program.

Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax removal is a safe procedure performed by our trained audiologists using gentle micro-suction technology. A build-up of wax can affect your hearing and can cause reduced hearing aid performance; feedback (whistle) from your hearing aid; and damage to your hearing aid.

Custom Earplugs

Custom ear plugs protect the ears against damage caused by noise exposure and water entry. We provide a range of custom-made ear plugs to fit the unique shape of each person’s ear. There are several types of custom earplugs available: Solid Noise, Musician’s, Sleeping and Swimming Plugs.

Tinnitus Management

The goal of Tinnitus counselling is to facilitate the process of habituation – where attention is rarely given to the tinnitus and minimising its distress or effect on lifestyle.

Hearing Aid Trial

If you are ready to move forward with Hearing Aids but aren’t sure how much you will get out of them, AudioHearing Melbourne can help you to make a right decision by offering you a 4-week hearing aid trial.

Hearing Aid Repair

Most hearing aids can be repaired in house, minimising the time you need to be without your aids. Major repairs need to be sent out to the manufacturer.

Work Cover Services

AudioHearing Melbourne is accredited to provide fully subsidised (FREE) hearing tests, most advanced hearing aids, accessories, batteries and repairs at no cost for eligible clients under the Work Cover Scheme.

Fitting and Fine-Tuning

For any existing hearing aid users we offer services to inspect, fine tune and deep clean your current hearing instruments (all makes and models). Minor repairs can be done on the premises while you wait. After the evaluation of your hearing, explaining the results and selection of the hearing aids, our audiologist will program the hearing aids by taking some factors into account such as: your hearing loss, your age, your lifestyle and your needs.

How Can We Help You?

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