Hearing Aid Prices

Do not let hearing aid prices put you off. You may be entitled to get some rebates towards the cost of hearing aids.

AudioHearing is accredited by the Commonwealth Government to provide FREE hearing services and subsidised hearing aids to eligible Pensioners and Veterans.

Private Health Insurance contributes towards the costs associated with the purchase of hearing instruments depending on the level of cover that you have. Please check with your Medical Health Fund for details.

HBA: PH: 13 1243
Medibank: PH: 13 2331
MBF: PH: 13 2623
HCF: PH: 13 1334
NIB: PH: 13 1463
Australian Unity: PH: 13 2939








We will explore your funding options to ensure that you can access the best technology to suit your needs with the least possible out-of-pocket expenses.

For more information contact AudioHearing Melbourne

How Can We Help You?

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