Hearing Aid TRIAL
Hearing Aid Trial
If you are ready to move forward with hearing aids but aren’t sure how much you will get out of them, AudioHearing Melbourne can help you to make a right decision by offering you a 4-week hearing aid trial.
If the hearing aids do not meet your expectations completely and you would like to return them within the first 4 weeks, a small cancellation fee may apply to cover some of the costs.

How Can We Help You?
- Hearing Test
- Hearing Loss- Sudden Hearing Loss
- Dementia & Hearing Loss
- Hyperacusis & Sensitivity to Sounds
- Tinnitus
- Vertigo
- Dizzyness
- Hearing Aids
- Invisible Hearing Aids
- Hearing Aid Repair
- Free Pensioners & Veterans Hearing Aids
- Hearing Aid Batteries
- Hearing Services
- Ear Wax Removal
- Custom Ear Plugs
- Work Cover Services
- Industrial Hearing Test
- Hearing Aid Prices
- South Yarra
- Brighton
- Doncaster
- Armadale
- Prahran Malvern Road
- Prahran High Street
- St Kilda East
- Box Hill
- Balwyn