Custom ear plugs protect the ears against damage caused by noise exposure and water entry.
We provide a range of custom-made ear plugs to fit the unique shape of each person’s ear.
There are several types of custom earplugs available for different uses.
Scroll down to view the different types available to you…
Noise Plugs
Noise exposure over a prolonged period can permanently damage your hearing. The best solution to protect hearing is to use custom made ear plugs. This provides highly effective noise protection and also a comfortable fit ensuring that the earplugs can be worn for long periods without discomfort.

Musician’s Earplugs
Musician’s earplugs are flat-response attenuators which replicate the natural response of the normal ear so that sound heard through these plugs has the same quality as the original sound, just quieter.
MEPs come in 3 different levels:
ER10 – ER15 – ER25 –
which provides 10, 15 and 25dB sound reduction across all frequencies.

Sleep Plugs
These plugs are designed for people who have trouble sleeping due to sound caused by noisy neighbours, barking dogs or a snoring partner. They are designed to fit comfortably in your ears and won’t disturb your sleep.

Swim Plugs
Swim plugs for water protection are recommended for people with a history of ear canal and/or middle ear infection, perforated ear drum or if a ventilation tube (grommet) has been fitted.

For all types of custom made earplugs, an initial 15 minute appointment is required to make ear impressions and the plugs will be ready in about two weeks.
How Can We Help You?
- Hearing Test
- Hearing Loss- Sudden Hearing Loss
- Dementia & Hearing Loss
- Hyperacusis & Sensitivity to Sounds
- Tinnitus
- Vertigo
- Dizzyness
- Hearing Aids
- Invisible Hearing Aids
- Hearing Aid Repair
- Free Pensioners & Veterans Hearing Aids
- Hearing Aid Batteries
- Hearing Services
- Ear Wax Removal
- Custom Ear Plugs
- Work Cover Services
- Industrial Hearing Test
- Hearing Aid Prices
- South Yarra
- Brighton
- Doncaster
- Armadale
- Prahran Malvern Road
- Prahran High Street
- St Kilda East
- Box Hill
- Balwyn