Hearing Test

Hearing Test

Hearing is a complex process and to assess it comprehensively, our audiologist uses a sequence of tests to diagnose any possible hearing problems.

You do not need a medical referral for a hearing test.



    Otoscopic examination is performed:

  • To examine the external auditory canal for any abnormalities and blockages due to the presence of a foreign object or wax build up
  • To evaluate the middle ear through the ear drum for any signs of rupture, puncture and infection.

Pure Tone Audiometry

Pure tone audiometry, commonly referred as “hearing test”, is used to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual in order to determine the degree, type and configuration of a hearing loss.

For this test you listen to a range of beeps and whistles, and indicate when you can hear them. The loudness of each tone is reduced until you can just hear the tone. The softest sounds you can hear are your hearing thresholds.

Speech Audiometry

Unfortunately, when hearing is damaged it is usually not just the volume of sound that is softer, often the quality of the sound is also distorted. The amount of distortion can be measured using speech discrimination tests. Hearing loss affects people differently and people with the same degree of hearing loss may experience different degrees of difficulty hearing and understanding speech.

A speech test, which requires the patient to hear specific single words and repeat them back at various testing speech levels, allows us to understand your functional hearing which can reflect to real-life performance.


This is an examination used to test the condition of the middle ear and mobility of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) to identify possible middle-ear problem. It is helpful in detecting middle ear effusion, Eustachian tube dysfunction, tympanic membrane perforation, disruption of the ossicles, and otosclerosis.

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