Hearing allows us to enjoy the wonders of sound and to be connected with the world. For our quality of life, of course we all want to have the best hearing possible.

Unfortunately, although in most cases hearing loss is preventable, over 3.6 million Australians suffer from hearing loss [1]. To prevent this and to ensure that you have the best hearing, it is important to know what causes damage to hearing and be proactive with  protecting your hearing.


The two most common causes for hearing loss are age-related and excessive loud noise exposure.

Age-related hearing loss is difficult to prevent. In Australia, hearing loss increases from approximately 50% of those aged 60 to 70, to 70% of those aged 70 and above [1]. As you age and also due to the process wear and tear, the hair cells in your inner ear will gradually become damaged or die. As these hair cells do not regrow, this results in a permanent hearing loss [2].

Excessive exposure to loud sounds, such as working in a noisy factory or attending a music festival, can lead to irreversible damage to your hair cells and ultimately, your hearing. Without even realising, by spending time in loud environments, you can be permanently damaging your hearing [3].

However, there some things you can do to proactively protect your hearing.

  1. Avoid or take breaks from loud noises

To prevent damage to your hearing, it is best to stay away from loud noises when possible. However, if this can not be done, limit your exposure as much as possible and take regular breaks.

  1. Monitor and turn the volume down

The World Health Organisation has reported that over 1 billion young adults are susceptible to experiencing hearing loss caused by prolonged noise exposure, such as loud music [4]. Typically, individuals resort to turning up their personal audio devices to an unsafe volume level as a result of inadequate noise cancellation or low-quality audio.

What is the 60-60 rule?

To protect our hearing it is recommended that we: listen at 60% of maximum volume for no longer than 60 minutes per day.

Monitoring the volume of your devices is crucial in protecting your hearing. By lowering the volume of your devices, you can effectively preserve it.

  1. Use hearing protection

There are many hearing protection options that you can use to protect your ears, such as earmuffs and semi-insert earplugs (disposable foam plugs). However, for the best outcome, you can get custom-made earplugs that are made to fit your ears perfectly.

  1. Test your hearing

If you notice any changes in your hearing or think you may suffer from hearing loss, it is important that you see audiologist for appropriate testing and care. By proactively addressing your hearing difficulties, you can promptly take the right actions to ensure the best hearing outcome possible for yourself, ultimately allowing you to maintain your quality of life.


If you are interested in custom-made earplugs, would like to discuss further with an audiologist about protecting your hearing, or you want to book an appointment for a hearing test, please call us on 1300 432 793.

  1. https://www.health.gov.au/topics/ear-health/about#:~:text=About%20hearing%20loss,-Hearing%20loss%20is&text=age%20%E2%80%93%20hearing%20loss%20increases%20from,those%20aged%2080%20and%20over
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6556399/
  3. https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/noise-induced-hearing-loss
  4. https://www.who.int/news/item/02-03-2022-who-releases-new-standard-to-tackle-rising-threat-of-hearing-loss